Our Sunday morning service begins at 9:00 AM.
We hope you enjoy exploring our website and come and join us in person any time!
You may also join us on Facebook Live on Sunday mornings.
Who we are.We believe that all are God's children called to reflect God's love out in the world. We are a part of Minneapolis Area Synod and full participate as an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation.
Sunday Mornings
We worship every Sunday at 9:00AM. Our worship is centered on a liturgy where all can participate. We use a mix of old and new. We share communion every week. All are invited for coffee fellowship afterward.
The rest of the weekWe are an active community. We have youth and adult softball teams. We do quilting and monthly service projects. We offer children and youth ministry. Take a look at our calendar, there is a way for everyone to join in the fun.